Wednesday, April 16, 2008

10 Commandments of Defensive Driving

10 Commandments of Defensive Driving:

1. Be attentive

Always pay attention. Always check your side mirrors and look far enough to see other cars not just the one in front of you. Be alert when you are near intersections and pay attention to road signals and signs. If the sign tells you it's slippery when wet, don't speed up or else... Pay attention to fast cars because you'll never know if the person driving is drunk or not.

2. Yield and give way.

Yep, you are on the right way and what you are doing is just fine. But if you see one car which is running way too fast it's wiser to give way. Because if you get hit, you may end up dead or injured, too. It pays to be forgiving and calm when you are on the road just to increase your chances of not getting hurt or killed.

3. Don't trust the other driver.

The third rule is another cardinal rule - don't trust the other driver. Because you'll never really know whether the other driver is cautious or not, it's better to pay attention and be alert at all times.

4. No alcohol, please!

Plain and simple don't drive when you're drunk! You need not ask the reason because that's plain common sense and it will not take an Einstein to realize how dangerous it is to drive while one is drunk. Defensive driving is being clean from intoxicating substances.

5. Buckle up for safety.

Yeah, that's right buckle up for safety. Use your seatbelt. Don't worry about your pants or shirt being slightly folded when you wear seatbelt because at least you can do something to fix it because you are still alive. But if you are dead, you'll never really know the difference between a well-pressed and a not so well-pressed shirt.

6. Wear helmet.

For motorists, always make sure that you wear your helmets on because experiences of many people will tell you how many lives were already saved by the mere act of wearing helmets. Defensive driving also means wearing your gears.

7. Never beat the red light.

Simply put, if you try beating the red light for sure you are going to give yourself a headache if are caught doing it. So, as a piece of advice don't.

8. Be cool.

If someone overtakes or somebody honks... be cool. It's not the end of the world anyway. Being defensive is always better.

9. Use signals.

Use your flashers and lights properly to relay your intentions. When you will be turning left it is not hard to turn on the left signal light to alert the other driver.

10. Never Play Chicken with a Train!

If you are in the Hamlet like "to be or not to be" situation, just don't if the train is coming. A few minutes of waiting is better than not being able to experience the next minute anymore. Defensive driving is all about being patient.
Source:by Alex Baumm.


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